Sunnyslope ELJ
This project created a logjam habitat feature to stabilize approximately 800 feet of eroding left bank on the Lower Wenatchee River. THe large wood was placed above top of bank and will likely interact with the river once the bank erodes. This project will restore large wood to this portion of the Wenatchee river channel. The large wood will provide complexity and improve fish habitat in addition to stabilizing the eroding bank.
Nason Creek Inner Zone Project Identification
A Reach Assessment (RA) of the Lower White Pine Reach (LWP) of Nason Creek, Chelan County, WA was completed in 2009 by the USBR. The RA examines the condition of fluvial geomorphic processes and the effect on salmonid habitat, and identifies priority restoration strategies and areas. The effort presented in this document builds on the work completed in the RA by identifying more specific project opportunities within portions of the reach.
Toppenish Ridge Stockwell & Pipeline
This project was implemented to assist in managing the migration of cattle from low elevations in the spring to higher elevations in the early summer. Prior to the project, upon cattle turnout on May 1, cattle would quickly travel approximately 25 miles to the headwater meadows of Satus and Toppenish Creeks. Livestock immediately impacted several important high elevation meadows, by overgrazing and by creating hardened cattle trails. These impacts further increased channel incision and bank erosion in these areas..
Lincoln Meadows Restoration
Lincoln Meadows is a headwaters meadow for Toppenish Creek. Headwater meadows are important because they contain culturally important first foods and function as water storage to maintain summer base flows in streams, which supports aquatic life. Lincoln Meadows has been impacted by a variety of human related activities, such as roads and cattle grazing, that have severely degraded the meadow's capabilities.
Panther Creek Passage Barrier Removal
On August 6, 2011, Yakama Nation Fisheries, Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project (YRWP) completed the implementation of a restoration action at two road/stream interfaces on Panther Creek to improve stream function and facilitate fish movement. Sites within the Panther Creek watershed have been degraded due to various human activities (e.g., grazing, road building, and logging). These problems are most obvious at the site on Panther Creek where Fort Simcoe Road # 80 transects T10N, R13E Section 13 and further downstream in T10N, R13E Section 26.
Upper Klickitat River In-Channel and Floodplain Enhancement Project
Enhance instream habitat and water quality to benefit Middle Columbia steelhead and spring Chinook at three priority sites totaling 0.29 cumulative river miles. Work will involve reshaping and replanting 0.62 miles (cumulative) of bank and 2.1 acres of floodplain.