Columbia Gorge Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference

After a 4-year hiatus, SciCon is back! 
The Columbia Gorge Fisheries & Watershed Science Conference was held on April 16, 2024 at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center in The Dalles, OR. 
If you missed it, scroll down this page for links to presenations and videos from this year's conference! 
Thank you,
Bill Sharp, Jeanette Burkhardt and the Yakama Nation SciCon Team
Jeanette Burkhardt <>
Southern Territories Habitat Project
Yakama Nation Fisheries

Click here to access a Library of Presentations and Abstracts from previous year's conferences, searchable by year and topic. Presentations over the past years have spanned a broad range of topics relevant to the fisheries and aquatic resources--from research to implementation-- in tributary watersheds to and in the mainstem Mid-Columbia including: policy, planning and management; geologic hazards and climate change; Pacific lamprey research; water availability; dam removals; education and outreach; fish predation studies; hatchery reform and fish facility improvements; genetic research; fish passage and tributary habitat restoration work, and more. Topics represent the work of a broad spectrum of agencies and organizations.
Gorge Sci Con Flyer

2024 Columbia Gorge
Fisheries and Watershed Science Conference


April 16, 2024
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Bill Sharp, Yakama Nation Fisheries Opening Comments 9:00  
Davis Washines Yellowash,
Yakama Nation Tribal Leader
Invocation 9:10  
Tom Iverson, Yakama Nation Fisheries Slides link: Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative Developed by the Yakama, Umatilla, Warm Springs and Nez Perce Tribes and the States of Washington and Oregon Video Link
Charles Seaton, CRITFC; Bill Sharp, YN; and Elliott Porter, USACE Slides link: Columbia River Zone 6 Delta Assessment – Study of Impacts on
Salmonids,Pacific Lamprey, and Coldwater Refuges at the Klickitat,
White Salmon, and Wind River Deltas
Video Link
Laura Shira, Yakama Nation Fisheries Columbia River Program Slides link: Columbia River Mainstem Fish Tissue and Water Quality
Monitoring Program
Video Link
  BREAK – 15 Minutes
“Land of the Yakamas”
Video Link
Jocelyn Akins, Slides link: Rare Carnivores of the High Cascades Video coming soon!
Cascades Carnivore Project      
James O’Connor, US Geological Survey Slides link: Geologic Mapping along the Columbia River by the U.S. Geological Survey Video Link
Kaola Swanson, The Conservation Fund Abstract: Collaboration for Landscape-Scale Forest Conservation
Sarah Allaben,
Mt. Adams Resource Stewards
Slides   link:   Collaborative   Prescribed   Fire 
on the Mt. Adams Landscape
Video coming soon!
  LUNCH – 1 hour (lunch provided) 12:00  
Alix Danielsen,
Hood River Watershed Group and Richard McConville, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Slides link: Tribal, Watershed Council, and Private Landowner Collaboration for
Successful Habitat Restoration in the Hood River Watershed
Video Link
Tova Tillinghast, Underwood Conservation District Slides link: Progress Report from UCD on Local Stream Restoration Video Link
David Lindley,
Yakama Nation Fisheries - YKFP
Slides link: Rehydrating Landscapes: A Summary of Recent Yakama Nation
Fisheries' Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration Projects
Video coming soon!
Nathan McClain and Jacob Macdonald, US Army Corps of Engineers Slides link: Improving Lamprey Passage at Mainstem Hydro Dams Video Link
Emilie Blevins, Xerces Society Slides link: Expanding Research and Conservation Efforts for Freshwater Mussels of the Pacific Northwest Video Link
  BREAK – 15 Minutes 2:40  
  “Three Decades of Collaborative Restoration in the Hood River Watershed” Video Link  
Nico Romero,
Yakama Nation Fisheries - YKFP
Slides link: Evaluation of Movement and Survival of Juvenile Steelhead and Coho Salmon in the Klickitat River, Washington, 2018–2019 Video Link
Steve Mussman, USFWS Abernethy Lab Slides link: Genetic Evaluation of Fall Chinook Salmon Carcasses from the White Salmon River, 2013-2021 Video Link
Joe Zendt,
Yakama Nation Fisheries - YKFP
Slides link: Hatchery, wild, or out-of-town visitor?  Evaluating steelhead
spawning interactions in the Klickitat River — updated results from genetic
and radiotelemetry monitoring
Video Link
  WRAP-UP 3:55  

Click on the pdf file below to download the flyer, as well as the downloadable Agenda with links to the presentations: