White Creek Wood Replenishment Phase 2 - Heavy Lift Helicopter Services RFB

Close date: 
Wednesday, June 26

White Creek Wood Replenishment - Phase 2 will place wood via helicopter to restore channel complexity and habitat diversity along the mainstem of White Creek between RM 5-8. This project is the upstream continuation of Phase 1 completed in fall of 2017, which placed 400 logs and rootwads over 3 miles. White Creek, a 3rd order tributary of the Klickitat River, provides important spawning and rearing habitat for ESA-listed Middle Columbia River steelhead. The project area occurs in a top tier priority reach (Tier A) as identified in the Klickitat Lead Entity Salmon Recovery Strategy. The proposed project is a Priority A action to address limiting habitat features identified for this reach associated with bed degradation, pool structure and large woody debris (LWD) abundance.

The Contractor will transport wood in the quantities described in the Statement of Work from four log deck landings to the placement sites identified on included maps (see attachment).   The timing of the work will be mutually agreed to by both parties but will likely occur in early fall, late-September – October.

Please contact David Lindley, 509-830-8005, dlindley@ykfp.org.

If you wish to visit the log landings, please contact David and provide 1 week minimum lead time.

RFB Announcement: 6/5/24

Questions Due: 6/17/24

Site Visit Complete: 6/21/24

Bid Due: By Noon, PST, 6/26/24

Bids should be submitted electronically via email to David Lindley, dlindley@ykfp.org, by noon and by mail to:  Attn: Morgan Tynan, Yakama Nation Fisheries, PO Box 151, Toppenish, WA 98948.