Staff Bios

MRS Coho Hatchery Manager


 7 year degree in the school of hard knocks, USMC

A.A.S., Fish Technology, Mt. Hood Community College


Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project – Mel R. Sampson Coho Hatchery Manager

Formerly: Cle Elum Hatchery Foreman

Ensuring the Cle Elum Supplementation and Research Facility stays on schedule for multiple life stages of our juvenile rearing program. Also ensure proper spawning protocol is maintained during spawning periods. Organize work schedules for eight man crew week in and week out. Encouraging crew to think outside of the box to improve practices around hatchery. Ability to run incubation of 1,000,000+ eggs with thermal manipulation to achieve same developmental stages within egg stage. Some skills used around hatchery are: welding, carpentry, power and hand tools, as well as heavy equipment

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