Senior Fish Biologist / Restoration Ecologist
Phone number:
(253) 255-8634
YNF Project:
Cleanup and restoration of hazardous waste sites in the Columbia River Basin.
Sherrie is a Fisheries Biologist/Restoration Ecologist with 30 years of experience providing technical expertise and project management for natural resource and salmon recovery projects and monitoring programs throughout the watersheds of Washington and the greater Pacific Northwest. She has extensive experience in the assessment of environmental effects analyses on fish and water resources in eastern Washington. For close to 18 years, Sherrie has provided technical support to the Yakama Nation for Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) projects and state-led assessments and cleanups of hazardous waste sites throughout the Columbia Basin.
Previous Projects:
Natural resource damage assessments and injury studies; ecological and human health risk assessments; environmental planning and impact assessment; site investigations and cleanup; permitting, restoration and monitoring and adaptive management.