Request for Bids - Walaluuks Creek LTPBR

Close date: 
Friday, April 4

The Yakama Nationis soliciting bids for restoration services associated with enhancing instream and riparian habitat in the Walaluuks Creek watershed with Low Tech Process Based Restoration (LTPBR). This project is led by the Yakama Nation Fisheries, YKFP, whose staff will be acting as project and construction managers. The goals of the project are to add complexity and diversity to instream and riparian habitat by thinning on-site alder, placing thinned material instream to add structure and to enhance stream flows during the low-precipitation season of the year in Walaluuks Creek, a tributary to Rock Creek. Promoting natural fluvial processes will result in a healthy and resilient riverscape and increase habitat quantity, quality, and diversity for ESA threatened fish.

Walaluuks Creek is a second-order stream system and drains into Rock Creek at river mile 4.1. The center of the project area is located at -120.476236 degrees west by 45.848489 degrees north and includes approximately one mile of creek. The project area will be accessed from the north via the Bickleton Hwy.  The access point is 24 miles east of Goldendale, WA on the Bickleton Hwy.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bid proposals will be received by:

Yakama Nation Fisheries

Attn: Latonia Wheeler

RE: Walaluuks Creek LTPBR

PO Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948

Shipping Address: 401 Fort Rd, Toppenish, WA 98948

12:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time on April 4, 2025

Bids must be received in Toppenish by noon on April 4, 2025.  It is recommended that all shipping and/or delivery receipts are retained past the bid due date to ensure proof of submission.     In addition to the required physical bid submittals, we are also requesting contractors to provide digital copies of their completed bid documents through email submittal directly to the project manager at  We are encouraging digital copies to be emailed at the same time the physical bid package is mailed to the proper address in Toppenish.  This will allow Yakama Nation Fisheries staff to know whether to expect that a hard copy bid has been submitted and will allow Yakama Nation Fisheries staff an opportunity to more quickly score and rank bids for the contract award process.

Critical Dates:

Bid Submission Deadline:                                                                                                   April 4, 2025 – 12 pm

Tentative Award Selection:                                                                                                  April 9, 2025

Project Initiation (est):                                                                                                         June 15, 2025

Project Completion (est):                                                                                                    October 30, 2025

BIDDERS who wish to discuss the site in greater detail can contact David Lindley, Yakama Nation Fisheries Habitat Coordinator (509-830-8005),

Relevant information discussed will be shared with all perspective BIDDERS.