Friday, September 14
- Fall Chinook has been lower than expected and Upriver Bright Fall Chinook (URB)
- have been downgraded to 138,600 at the mouth of the Columbia River.
- There is concern Fall Chinook may drop lower as daily passage at Bonneville Dam continues to lag.
- The States of Oregon and Washington have taken Action to close all State Fall Chinook Fisheries.
- The tribes met and decided to wait until Tuesday, September 18, 2018 to decide on the Fall Season.
- If the URB run size drops even lower, there is risk the Treaty Fishery will exceed the
- URB Harvest Rate Limit and all Treaty Salmon Fisheries on the Columbia River would need to close, including the Platform/hook and line.
- The US v OR Technical Advisory Committee will continue meeting weekly on Mondays to update run sizes and catches.
- The Tribes will also continue meeting weekly to consider further fishing opportunity.
See attached for full announcement