Harvest Updates

Yakama Nation Harvest Management

Under the Treaty of 1855, the Yakama Nation reserved the right to fish, hunt and gather and other rights at all usual and accustomed places. This includes the preservation of fish habitat at all usual and accustomed fishing places. 

The Yakama Nation manages fisheries resources to ensure continued access by Yakama members to fulfill their ceremonial, subsistence and commercial needs.  This treaty reserved right includes the right to have fish present to harvest, at all usual and accustomed places.

Harvest News

The YN Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize a commercial setline fishery for white sturgeon in all of Zone 6 of the Columbia River. 

7am Saturday January 1 to noon Monday January 31, 2022.

Downloadable regs are attached.

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize two additional fall commercial gillnet openings from 6am Monday October 4 to 6pm Thursday October 7 and from 6am Monday October 11 to 6pm Thursday October 14, 2014.  See full regs attached. 

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize additional gillnet fishing time in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6am Monday Sep 27 to 6pm Friday October 1, 2021.  See regs attached.

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorizes additional fall commercial gillnet opening from 6am Monday Sept 6 to 6pm Friday Sept 10, 2021.  Download the full regs attached.

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorizes the first two gillnet openings in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6am Monday Aug 23 to 6pm Thurs Aug 26 and 6am Mon Aug 30 to 6pm Thurs Sep 2, 2021.  See regs attached

Fall Fishers Meeting via Zoom Friday August 6, 2021.  See agenda attached.

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorizes fish caught with Platform/ Hook & Line gears in Zone 6 and YN tributaries to be allowed for commercial sale from 12:01 am Sunday Aug 1 to 6pm Friday December 31,2021.  All other subsistence...

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorizes extension of the summer commercial gillnet fishery in Zone 6 of the Columbia River:  6am Monday June 28 to 6pm Thurs July 1 and 6am Monday July 5 to 6pm Thurs July 8, 2021.

The F&W Committee authorizes the first two (2) summer commercial gillnet openings in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6am Weds June 16 to 6pm Sat June 19, 2021 and 6am Mon June 21 to 6pm Thurs June 24, 2021.  See full regs attached

The F&W Committee authorizes fish caught with subsistence gears in Zone 6, the YN fishing area below Bonneville Dam, and in selected YN Tributary fisheries to be allowed for commercial sales from 9pm Tuesday June 8 through 11:59pm Saturday...