News/Announcements - Harvest

Media, please contact PR Specialist Michael David Bushman at for more information.

2018 Willamette Lamprey Permits

YN fishing opportunity for lamprey exists at Willamette Falls.  
Please see attached regs and permit application.  Permit must be turned into Raemelle for signature. 

Additonal Gillnet Season

The Fish & Wildlife Committee has authorizes another summer commercial
gillnet opening in Zone 6 from 6am Monday July 2 - 6pm Friday July 6, 2018
See attached regs

Close Icicle River Fishery

Due to the continued low spring chinook returns to the Leavenworth National Fish
Hatchery, the Fish and Wildlife Committee is closing the fishery on the Icicle River.
Please see regs attached. 

2018 Summer Chinook Commercial Fishery

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize the first two summer commercial
gillnet openings in Zone 6:
6am June 18 - 6pm June 22 and
6am June 25 - 6pm June 29

Open Platform H&L Commercial Sales

The Fish & Wildlife committee authorizes fish caught with subsistence gears
in Zone 6 and in selected YN tributary fisheries to be allowed for commercial

Open Sturgeon Setline Fishery in John Day Pool

There is sturgeon quota available in John Day Pool, therefore the Fish & Wildlife Committee
authorizes a commercial setline fishery in John Day Pool from 6am June 6 - 6pm June 15, 2018. 
See regs attached.

ReOpen Zone 6 Platform/H&L

The harvest estimate has been updated and overall catches are within the harvest limits.
Therefore the Fish & Wildlife Committee re-opens the Zone 6 Platform/H&L fishery for

Close Platform H&L Fishery in Zone 6

The upriver spring chinook run has been downgraded to 116,500 at the mouth
of the Columbia River.  The allowable treaty harvest rate is 8.3% which is 

Open Icicle River Fishery

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize weekly openings on the Icicle River from
9pm Friday to 9pm Saturday starting May 25, 2018 and extending until 
July 28, 2018.  See regulations attached.

Cancel May 1 Drano Opening

Spring chinook returns continue to be low and the Fish and Wildlife Committee does not want
to draw names for this fishery before good numbers of fish are available to catch.

2018 Subsistence P/H&L Regulations

Chinook returns in 2018 are expected to be good, which provides fishing opportunity.
Regulations for proposed Columbia RIver and tributary seasons are
contained in the attached resolution.

Reopen The Dalles and John Day Pools for Winter Gillnet

There is still harvestable sturgeon quota available in The Dalles and 
John Day Pools, therefore the Fish & Wildlife Committee reopens the
winter gillnet fishery in The Dalles Pool 6am Thursday March 15 to 

Spring Fisher's Meeting

The Spring Fisher's Meeting will be held 
Monday March 19, 2018 10am - 4pm at the Hood River Inn.
See agenda attached

Reopen The Dalles Pool for Winter Gillnet

After reviewing the harvest data, the catch rates continue to be lower than expected in
The Dalles Pool, which allows for more fishing time.  Therefore, the Fish and Wildlife

Extend Winter Gillnet in John Day Pool

The winter gillnet season in John Day Pool was set to close 
6pm Friday Feb 16, but has been extended to 6pm Friday March 2, 2018.
Bonneville Pool will open 6am Monday March 5, 2018.  

Rescheduled Fisher's Meeting

The Winter Fisher's Meeting has been rescheduled for 
10am - 4pm Monday Feb 5, 2018 at the YN Heritage Theater.
Agenda attached.

2018 Winter Gillnet Season

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorizes a commercial gillnet season on the
Columbia River in The Dalles and John Day Pools from 6am Thursday Feb 1

CANCEL Monday January 29, 2018 Fisher Meeting


Due to a death in the fishing community and out of
Respect for the one who passed and their family,
The YN Fisher Meeting on January 29, 2018 will be
We will reschedule the meeting and send out notice.

2018 Winter Fisher Meeting

A fishers meeting will be held Monday January 29, 2018
from 10am - 4 pm at the Heritage Theater in Toppenish, WA.
See attached for meeting agenda.

Smelt Permit

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize smelt fishing in the Cowlitz River
through March 2018 according to the regulations on the attached permit.