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Reduce Klickitat Weekly Openings


 Klickitat River coho returns have been far less than expected which has caused concern

for reaching broodstock goals.

YN staff has begun collecting broodstock at the Lyle Falls trap in anticipation of a shortfall

Fishing tradition never let Yakamas down

Erika Schultz, Seattle Times
In The News

Washington's Klickitat River is one of th few places in the state where Yakama tribal members still fish for  salmon with dip nets on platform.

Expand Klickitat River Fishery

Klickitat River fall Chinook and Coho returns are expected to be good and
commercial sales are open, all of the Chinook and Coho are harvestable,
and there are no conservation or escapement needs.

2015 Fall Gillnet Season


The Yakama Nation Fish & Wildlife Committee authorized the first four (4) 2015 Commercial Fall Gillnet Fishing Seasons.  

DATES: 6 a.m. August 17 to 6 p.m. August 21

Fall Fisher's Meeting

The Fish and Wildlife Committee directed Fisheries Staff to schedule a fishers meeting
for Friday July 31, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hood River Inn in Hood River, OR.

2015 Summer Chinook Fishery

Open summer commercial gillnet openings in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from
6 a.m. June 16 to 6 p.m. June 19, from 6 a.m. June 22 to 6 p.m. June 25, and from
June 29 to July 2, 2015.

2015 Summer Chinook Fishery

The Fish arid Wildlife Committee authorize summer commercial gillnet
openings in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6 a.m June 16 to 6 p.m. June 19,

2015 Spring Commercial Gillnet Fishery

The Fish and Wildlife Committee authorize a commercial gillnet fishery in
all of Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6 a.m. May 12 to 6 p.m. May 15, 2015.
See attached regulations for further details.

2015 Platform/ Hook & Line Regs

Spring Chinook returns in 2015 are expected to be good providing for fishing 
opportunity. Regulations for proposed Columbia River and tributary seasons are
contained in the attached resolution. 

March Fishers Meeting

The Fish and Wildlife Committee directed Fisheries Staff to
schedule a fishers meeting for Monday, March 23, 2015,
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hood River Inn, Hood River,

Smelt Fishing Regs and Permit

Smelt retums to the Columbia Basin have been very low for several years;
however an improved Smelt return is expected in the Cowlitz River in 2015.

Winter Gill Season Opening

The Yakama Nation Fish and Wildlife Committee hereby authorize a commercial gillnet season
on the Columbia River.  The Dalles and John Day Pools

Sturgeon Setline Regulations

The tribal sturgeon setline fishery normally begins January 1st of each year. At
the present time harvestable numbers of sturgeon are available in Zone 6 of the Columbia River.

Fishers Meeting

The Fish and Wildlife Committee directed Fisheries Staff to
schedule a fishers meeting for Friday, January 16, 2015,
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the CHC Heritage Theatre,

Official Yakama Fall Season Regulations

FORMAL ACTION TAKEN: The Fish and Wildlife Committee authorize the first five (5) fall commercial
gillnet fishing periods in all of Zone 6 of the Columbia River during the dates listed above. Salmon,