

On-Call Reach Assessment Services RFP

Yakama Nation Fisheries is seeking proposals from qualified environmental engineering and consulting firms to award a new on-call consultant services contract for habitat and geomorphi

Goodfellow/Chotzen Floodplain Reconnection

The proposed Goodfellow/Chotzen Floodplain Reconnection Project (Sunnyslope side channel) utilizes natural processes to restore floodplain functions in an approximately 5-acre area located along the left bank (north side) of the Wenatchee River at RM 1.4. The project will remove a low earthen berm from the floodplain, allowing water from an existing side channel to access a larger portion of its historic floodplain during high flows.

Sunnyslope ELJ

This project created a logjam habitat feature to stabilize approximately 800 feet of eroding left bank on the Lower Wenatchee River. THe large wood was placed above top of bank and will likely interact with the river once the bank erodes.  This project will restore large wood to this portion of the Wenatchee river channel. The large wood will provide complexity and improve fish habitat in addition to stabilizing the eroding bank.

Nason Creek Inner Zone Project Identification

A Reach Assessment (RA) of the Lower White Pine Reach (LWP) of Nason Creek, Chelan County, WA was completed in 2009 by the USBR. The RA examines the condition of fluvial geomorphic processes and the effect on salmonid habitat, and identifies priority restoration strategies and areas. The effort presented in this document builds on the work completed in the RA by identifying more specific project opportunities within portions of the reach.

Pacific Lamprey Project

The Yakama Nation is working to restore natural production of Pacific lamprey to a level that will provide robust species abundance, significant ecological contributions and meaningful harvest within the Yakama Nations Ceded Lands and in the Usual and Accustomed areas.

Status and Trends Annual Report

The Status and Trends Annual Report (STAR) Project summarizes fish population status and trends, habitat restoration action implementation, Yakama Nation production and reintroduction programs, and Federal mainstem hydrosystem improvements as they affect Yakama Nation treaty-trust aquatic species and their habitats.

Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (UCHRP)

The Yakama Nation Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (URCHRP) is a project under the Yakama Nation Fisheries Resource Management Program. The project recieves its principal funding through the Columbia Basin Fish Accords.

The intent of the UCHRP is to implement science based habitat restoration benefiting spring Chinook and steelhead on priority streams and river reaches within the Methow, Entiat, and Wenatchee Subbasins, following recommendations contained in the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook and Steelhead Recovery Plan (UCSRB, 2007).