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2nd Annual Willamette Falls Lamprey Celebration A Huge Success

Yakama Nation Fisheries Staff
Press release

Oregon City, Oregon -- The second annual Willamette Falls Lamprey Celebration on July 13th, 2023 was a huge success for the Yakama Nation in highlighting the collaborative work between tribes and key organization in restoring asúm; engaging with t

Re-Open Commercial Sales in Zone 6


The Fish and Wildlife Committee authorizes fish caught with subsistence gears in Zone 6 and in selected YN Tributary fisheries to be allowed for commercial sales from 6 a.m. Friday, July 21, 2023, through 11:59 p.m.

Close Summer Commercial Gillnet and Commercial Sales


The Columbia River Summer Chinook return to the mouth of the Columbia River has been downgraded to a total run of 57,000 adults.  Platform/H&L catches have exceeded projections to the point where there is risk of exceeding the Treaty Catch Gui

Expand Weekly Lamprey Fishing at Willamette Falls


The Fish& Wildlife Committee authorize expanding the weekly fishing periods for lamprey at Willamette Falls from 5am Mondays to 6pm Saturdays.  Effective Monday July 10 through July 31, 2023.  See Updated permit request attached.  Contact the

Additional Summer Gillnet Opening in Zone 6


The Fish & Wildlife Committee has authorized an additional gillnet opening in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6am Monday July 3 to 6pm Thursday July 6, 2023.  Full regulations attached.

Platform Hook & Line and Open Commercial Sales


The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorizes fish caught with subsistence gears in Zone 6 and in selected YN Tributary fisheries to be allowed for commercial sale from 6 am Friday June 16, 2023 through 11:59 pm Monday July 31, 2023.  The first 2 s

Expand Weekly Openings on the Icicle River


The Fish and Wildlife Committee EXPAND the weekly openings on the Icicle River from 5am Mondays to 9pm Saturdays.  See attached regs for full details.

2023 Willamette Falls Lamprey Permits


The 2023 Subsistence FIshery for lamprey will be held during the months of June and July 2023 at Willamette Falls.  Turn in the attached permit request to the F&W Committee for authorization.  Flashboard installation is scheduled for the week

Close Zone6 Platform/Hook & Line Fishing


The Columbia Upriver Spring Chinook run has been downgraded to 139,000 at the mouth of the Columbia River.  The allowable treaty harvest rate according to the Management Agreement in US v OR is 7.4%, which is projected to be exceeded before the en

Elders Only Below Bonneville Fishery 2023


The Yakama Nation Fish & Wildlife Committee authorized two scheduled Elders Only Fishery openings below Bonneville Dam 6am to 4pm on Tuesday May 2 and Tuesday May 9, 2023.  Detailed regulations attached.  Please contact the Fish & Wildlife

2023 Platform Hook & Line Regulations


The 2023 Platform Hook & Line Regulations are attached.  These provide the base regulations for the tributaries and Columbia River.

Yakama Nation Provides Testimony in Washington D.C.

Press release

Earlier this month, Jeremy Takala, Chair of the Tribal Council Committees for Legislative, Fish & Wildlife, and Law & Order traveled with the CRITFC delegation to Washington D.C.

2023 Spring Fishers Meeting


The YN Spring Fishers Meeting will be held Monday March 27, 2023 from 10am to 4pm at the Hood River Inn.  See the full agenda attached