Chewuch River Reach Assessment

Project abstract: 
The Chewuch River supports populations of salmonids that are currently listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), including spring Chinook salmon, summer steelhead, and bull trout. Habitat for these species has been impacted by anthropogenic activities throughout the basin. Specific goals of this assessment include:
• Identify actions that address critical aquatic habitat impairments limiting the productivity of local salmonid populations.
• Identify actions that protect and restore the dynamic landscape processes that support sustainable riparian and salmonid habitat.
• Identify actions that improve and protect water quality to promote salmonid recovery. 
• Coordinate efforts with local landowners, resource managers, and other stakeholders in order to establish collaborative efforts that contribute to the success of restoration
Project progress: 

Reach Assessment completed in June 2010.

Project Photos:

Status: Completed

01/01/2010 to 06/18/2010
In partnership with: 

Project Manager