

On-Call Reach Assessment Services RFP

Yakama Nation Fisheries is seeking proposals from qualified environmental engineering and consulting firms to award a new on-call consultant services contract for habitat and geomorphi

Chewuch River Reach Assessment

The Chewuch River supports populations of salmonids that are currently listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), including spring Chinook salmon, summer steelhead, and bull trout. Habitat for these species has been impacted by anthropogenic activities throughout the basin. Specific goals of this assessment include:
• Identify actions that address critical aquatic habitat impairments limiting the productivity of local salmonid populations.

Pacific Lamprey Project

The Yakama Nation is working to restore natural production of Pacific lamprey to a level that will provide robust species abundance, significant ecological contributions and meaningful harvest within the Yakama Nations Ceded Lands and in the Usual and Accustomed areas.

Chewuch River 8 Mile Ranch Project

The 8 Mile Ranch Project (8 Mile Ranch) restores habitat and hydraulic refuge for fish rearing and holding within one reach of the Chewuch River. The work performed provides fish habitat, stream complexity and restores a functional riparian zone in an area currently without any vegetation.

Chewuch River Mile 10 Project

The Chewuch River Mile 10 Fish Habitat Enhancement Project (RM10), improves stream complexity by improving available instream habitat, increasing side channel and off channel habitat, and stabalizing eroding banks. The RM10 project encompasses 0.85 miles of river length and provides benefits to spring chinook, Upper Columbia steelhead and bull trout, as well as providing habitat for resident fish species.

Status and Trends Annual Report

The Status and Trends Annual Report (STAR) Project summarizes fish population status and trends, habitat restoration action implementation, Yakama Nation production and reintroduction programs, and Federal mainstem hydrosystem improvements as they affect Yakama Nation treaty-trust aquatic species and their habitats.

Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (UCHRP)

The Yakama Nation Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Project (URCHRP) is a project under the Yakama Nation Fisheries Resource Management Program. The project recieves its principal funding through the Columbia Basin Fish Accords.

The intent of the UCHRP is to implement science based habitat restoration benefiting spring Chinook and steelhead on priority streams and river reaches within the Methow, Entiat, and Wenatchee Subbasins, following recommendations contained in the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook and Steelhead Recovery Plan (UCSRB, 2007).